Moving along the board
WHen you roll the dice, you may land in one of the following board spaces:
Regular property
Special property
Tax property
Stablecoin station
Genesis Block
When a player lands or passes by the location, the player receives an airdrop of the amount specificed when creating the game.
Alchemy Valley
DeFi Booty Bag
Regular property
If players land on a normal property, there are three options. Either the property is owned, unowned or mortgaged. - OWNED: If the player landing is the owner, nothing happens -UNOWNED: If the property is unowned, the player that lands has to decide to buy or not
Special Property
Tax location
If a player lands on a card, the game enteer a has to pick card state, where only the current player in turn can call the pickCard function. WHen this function is called, a called to QRNG is done to generate a random number between 0 and 16 to indicate the index of the card in the card deck. THe card is picked and executed automatically.
If player lands here without being sent from the Courthouse, he does nothing. When sent here from the courthouse, you must remain 3 turns in jail or pay the fee to get out.
Stablecoin Station
Player gets sent to jail
Last updated