Create a game

To create a game, you'll need to call the createGame() function, passing in the following parameters:

  • _numberOfPlayers: the number of players that will participate in the game (max of 8).

  • _timePerTurn: the amount of time each player has to take their turn, in seconds.

  • _timeToPayDebt: the amount of time a player has to pay their debt, in seconds.

  • _timePerAuction: the amount of time a player has to make a bid during an auction, in seconds.

  • _maxTimespanBetweenBids: the maximum amount of time allowed between bids during an auction, in seconds.

Here's an example function call:

createGame(4, 300, 300, 600, 180);

This would create a game with:

  • 4 players

  • 300 seconds for each player to take their turn (5 minutes).

  • 300 seconds to pay their debt (5 minutes).

  • 600 seconds to make a bid during an auction (10 minutes).

  • A maximum of 180 seconds allowed between bids during an auction (3 minutes).


  • Each wallet address is availlable to participate in only one game at a time.

To create a game, a player must

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