
A cross-chain DAO-governed protocol for multi-chain play-to-earn game centers

Welcome to Octopus, the innovative DAO Governance Crosschain platform designed for immersive Play-to-Earn experiences, all powered by Chainlink CCIP. Dive into the future of Web 3 gaming with our groundbreaking Web 3 Arcade Game Ticket Center.

Empowering Public Participation in Governance

At Octopus, we believe in empowering the public by inviting them to be an integral part of the governance process.

Web 3 Arcade Game Ticket Center

Discover a new era of gaming with Octopus as we introduce the Web 3 Arcade Game Ticket Center. This revolutionary platform not only allows you to play games but also provides the flexibility to do so across different blockchain networks.

Play Anywhere, Anytime

Octopus breaks down the barriers of traditional gaming by enabling users to play and engage in governance activities on any supported blockchain. Immerse yourself in a world of possibilities where gaming and governance go hand in hand, and the experience seamlessly transcends blockchain boundaries.

Everything within Octopus revolves around the dynamic interplay between the Ticket Center and Chainlink Crosschain CCIP. This nexus forms the backbone of our ecosystem, ensuring a robust and interconnected platform where governance, gaming, and crosschain interactions seamlessly converge.

Join us at Octopus and become a pioneer in the future of decentralized gaming and governance. Your journey starts here, where the possibilities are as vast as the blockchain itself.

Octopus is a DAO Government Crosschain for Play to Earn interaction powered by Chainlink CCIP. The new Web 3 Arcade Game Ticket Center.

We want to empower the public with being part of the Governance. a game and play it, with the possibility to do it in any chain, does means that any game created inside Octopus can be played.

Everything revolves between the ticket center and chainlink crosschain CCIP

Alpha Stage 0.1

Ticket Center

With the purpose to demonstrate the functionality of the project, it would be deployed in Mumbai and the rewards would be distributed in the Sepolia testnet. Using only Proof of Consent or POC at the moment.

Octopus Ticket Center is not attached to any chain. The rewards would be distributed in any chain and not necessarily in the same ecosystem the game is being played. For example:

We want to empower the common people, with this new way to play games anyone can be a winner really easy and fast.

Queremos empoderar al publico en general para poder ser parte de una DAO

votaciones - decisiones - propuestas

What's Next for Octopus

We want to create the new era of the PTE games and there a lot of possibilities:

  • Integrated m

mas protocols

mas juegos

Disribucion a mas cadenas

Tickets sincronizados a traves de todas las chains para reclamar un premio en cualquier chain

Dual layer Tokens (real life tokenized assets)


Promover sistema de juegos descentralizado en todas las cadenas de blockchain y empoderar a las personas a convivir abiertamente el mundo gaming

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